FAQs about guest experience apps

Some questions, answered.

Frequently asked questions

Here's some we've been asked, and a few we thought we'd cover too.

About Data

Do you access any of our user data?
No. We do not store any attributable personal data.
Do you rent or sell any user data?
No. We do not store any data at all about your customers / users.

ConciergePro App

Is the app free for users?
Yes. It will always be free to your users. Brands pay to subscribe and build their own app.
Is the app available for IOS and Android?
Yes. It is available in both app stores. See the links at the bottom of this page.

Configuring your brand

How do I add my brand name and logo?
You should be automatically taken to a page on Sign Up where you can add your brand logo, select your brand colours and font you would like to use.
You can update this anytime by clicking on Home and selecting the Configure Brand button below the app preview.
Check out the video channel at the bottom of the page to view tutorials.
How do I add colors and choose a font?
On the Configuring Your Brand page, there are options to select the colors for header, navigation, icons and much more.
You can also select the font that matches your brand style.
Check out the video channel at the bottom of the page to view tutorials.
Once I have Configured Brand - how do I add my properties?
Once you have Configured brand, you should be asked to add a Product. Use a format like 'Brand - Product Name' You can add 1 x for a free period, further products within the same brand require a subscription. Go to My Home and add a subscription.

About Images

Can I add images to my app?
Of course. Images can be added to any content you publish in your app.
Digital guestbooks, RTF pages, Menus, Timetables - all our page types support you adding images.
What is the spec for images in Image Messages?
We recommend you provide images that are 2208 x 2208 pixels, saved for web as a .jpg.
You should save them so the file size is reasonably small, around 300k. The images will be cropped left and right depending upon the device they are viewed on.
It is best to have your main content within the central 700 pixels wide, content outside this area may be cropped depending upon device.
I want to include PDFs, what is the spec for these?
You can attach PDFs to Messages, guests can tap to read/download. Please ensure your PDFs are as small in size as possible - and no larger than 400k (preferably much smaller).
Turn off editing functions and keep the quality suitable for mobile screens.
PDFs aren't great when read on mobile devices. We'd suggest using some of the other options to add this content, like Timetable or RTF pages.

Adding content

How many Pages or Tabs can I add to each Product app?
As many as you wish. Our system will automatically add a More page to list any more than your 5th page.
What types of pages can I add?

There are a number of different page types you can add.

HOME - Every app must have a Home page (default). Add one or more images as a gallery (just add as many images as you wish).

MESSAGES - (default) Contains your image messages.

DIGITAL GUESTBOOK - Your guest information, with multi language support and auto translate.

CALL - calls the number you right out of your app.

RICH TEXT FORMAT (RTF) - adds a dynamic page, with any content text, images, embed video).

URL WEBSITE - links direct to any page, like Registration or Direct Booking - must be 'https' secure.

FACEBOOK / Social Media Feeds - just add your ID, we'll automatically add your social media feeds.

CONTACT DIRECTORY - add a title, email and phone for any number of contacts (stores, support etc) - calls or emails straight out of the app.

TIMETABLE - add a timetable for classes, seminars etc.

MENU - add a menu for table service F&B

DIRECTORY - add local partners, with maps and directions. Provide partners with access to messaging (for vouchers and promo) within limits you set.

CHECKIN/OUT - easily ask your guests to 'CheckIn/Out'. Guests can check in to a Restaurant/Bar or a class or seminar. origiinally designed to support Track and trace, you can register a 'device' as check in and out - where no personal data is collected - and use to follow up. You can also optionally collect data GDPR compliant (data is removed after 21 days).

Check out the video channel at the bottom of the page to view tutorials.

What is a 'Digital Guest Book"?
A Digital Guestbook is what used to be photocopied or printed pages in plastic folders in guest rooms. It's any information guests need access to, from wifi logins to emergency procedures and everything in between.

We provide a default version which you can edit and add to. Create sections and subsections to make it easy for guests to navigate.

Add images and video of course, and you can now auto translate into any language at the tap of a button.

Guests can browse all content, or use text search to find what they need.

How often is content updated to the app?
Some of the content may be cached on Users phones, some other types of content will be refreshed when Users tap to view the content. Cached content will also update when the User quits and comes back.

Guest Messaging

What messaging is available in the app?

These are several types of messaging available in the app.

QUICK MESSAGES - these are Push Messages that you can link to content in the app. they just send a Push Notification text.

MESSAGES - there is a page in your app called 'Messages'. You can add messages to this page (headline, text, image, video) and select to send a Push Notification as an option. The Push links direct to that message, and includes a thumbnail image in the notifcation.

Can I send Push Notifications?
Push Notifcations are sent with QUICK messages, and are optional with MESSAGES.
Can I send limit Push to a radius of my property?
Yes. You can set your Property address and then a 'Push Radius'. Push can then me set to inside or outside that radius.


What Accessibility settings are there?
In addition to devices settings, we enable Users to increase font size (where possible) and reverse text. Every app has a 'Settings' tab where this can be toggled.

Admin on mobile devices

Is admin available on mobile?
Yes. Admin is designed for use across all devices and supports any connected device with a modern browser.
Is there a specific app I need to download to manage Admin?
No! This is not necessary as we have optimised the site for use on Mobiles and Tablets. However, you can download and save the icon to your device Home Screen providing you with easy access right on your mobile!
How do I add Admin to my iPhone for easy access?
Open Safari and go to ConciergePro.co - Scroll up until you see a bar appear at the bottom of your screen with some icons in it. You should see in the middle a square box with an arrow pointing up. Tap this, and scroll down until you see an option to Add to Home Screen with a square +. Tap Add in the top right. You are done!
How do I add Admin to my Android phone for easy access?
Open Chrome and go to ConciergePro.co. Tap the 3 dots icon top right, and select Add to Home screen, tap Add. You are done!

Easy to use CMS - this YouTube Playlist of videos